“Celebrate, Celebrate….Dance to the Music!!!”

I love the story of Jesus’ miracle at the Cana wedding.  It’s significant the first miracle that Jesus performs in the gospel of John is to create wine at a wedding where it’s run out. What we see throughout the ministry of Jesus is that He is very much at home at celebrations, weddings and feasts. In fact, when He tells stories in an effort to help people understand the kingdom of God, his favorite setting for the story is a feast or a party. One thing we learn from this miracle is that Jesus not only tolerates celebration, he encourages it.

Christians should always seek to imitate Jesus’ way of heart and life. This means that part of being a disciple means getting really comfortable with celebration. Stories like this one dominate the landscape of the New Testament. Read through the New Testament and notice how the idea of celebrating, feasting, or rejoicing is held up as God’s ideal. There is nothing wrong with celebration. In fact, there’s something wrong with not celebrating. I believe this story tells us a great deal about who God is, and who we as His people should strive to become.

So, here’s an image of God that I love: God the Celebrator. The God that celebrates when lost coins are found, lost children come home…and a God who keeps the celebration going when the wine has run out. God’s celebratory nature is but one more reason to give Him praise…to celebrate the great Celebrator.

We as Christians have, above all others, reason to celebrate. This should be evident in our lives, worship, ministry, and perhaps even our countenance. And  its time for us to consider if we as His Church are celebrating too little.   So as the “old song” says, “Celebrate, Celebrate, Dance to the (God) Music.”  Remember, God is Good….All The Time!



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